Home Breadcrumb Separator Image Our News Breadcrumb Separator Image Announcements Breadcrumb Separator Image Agentura Parole s.r.o. has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Prague, Czech Republic

Agentura Parole s.r.o. has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Prague, Czech Republic

Agentura Parole s.r.o. was established with a main goal to provide a plethora of foreign language courses to the general public of Prague, helping them acquire the needed skills for a successful career. As a new LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in the Czech Republic, it shares the same core values for education with LanguageCert. It offers professional translations, and its native instructors promote an efficient learning procedure through the use of modern methods, supporting all of its learners’ needs. It is the ideal choice for corporations that are in need of foreign language and professional skills training programmes for employees, enabling them to receive grant funding.